How To Help Get Your Child Ready For Preschool In The Fall

If your child will begin attending preschool this fall, around the middle of July and/or the beginning of August, you should start preparing your child for this important transition in there life. Here are a few things you can do to get your child prepared and ready to start preschool this fall. 

Start Talking About Preschool

You need to start introducing the idea of preschool for your child. This is especially important if your child does not have older siblings who attend school and will be your first child attending school. 

If your child has cousins or friends that they play with or see on a regular basis, start talking to your child about how their cousins or friends attend school. Talk with your child's friends about their school when your child is present. Ask them what they do in school and what they like about school. This will help your child start to see that other people they know also attend school.

Read Books About Preschool

A great way to facilitate further discussion about preschool is by reading books that talk about attending preschool and the feelings that are associated with little ones going to school for the first time. 

There are lots of books that center around this idea. For example, Milk Goes to School by Terry Border or Llama Llama Misses Mama by Anna Dewdney. PSB Parent's website provides an entire list of books that center around the idea of children starting school that you can read to your own child. 

When you read these books, be sure to ask your children what they think about the characters in the story. Talk about what the characters are feeling and thinking. Allow your child to talk about what they think is happening with the characters. This is a great way for you to facilitate ongoing discussion with your child about school.

Visit The Preschool

Most preschools will allow you to visit before school starts in the fall. Call up your child's preschool and see if there is a day when you can bring your child.

Getting to walk around, explore, and see their school, classroom and playground before it is teeming with students will give your child a chance to explore and take in the environment at their own pace. This will allow your child to connect what you have been talking and reading about to a real place.

Adjust Your Routine

If you currently don't wake up and get ready early enough in the morning for the start time for your child's preschool, work on changing your routine gradually over the next month or two. Slowly acclimate your child to getting up earlier, and help them get used to the routine of getting dressed and eating breakfast first thing in the morning.

Attending preschool is an exciting time in your child's life, but it is also going to be a big adjustment for your child. Use the steps above to help your child adjust to this transition. 
