Work On These Valuable Skills To Prepare Your Child For Attending Preschool

When you'll be putting your child in preschool, it's ideal to ensure that he or she is ready for the time outside of your supervision. This readiness includes emotional readiness, but also comfort with performing a wide range of simple things that the child will need to do each day. The more independent the child is at preschool, the more he or she can thrive and find enjoyment in the experience. For example, while another child is waiting for a staff member to help with a simple task, your child can be playing with other children. Here are some skills to work on with your child before preschool.

Using The Toilet

It's ideal if your child is potty trained and no longer needing to wear diapers by the time preschool begins. However, you should also work to foster your child's independence regarding using the toilet. Even after being potty trained, many young children will call for an adult's help when they need to relieve themselves. It's ideal if your child is competent in climbing onto the toilet, doing his or her business, getting his or her pants back on, flushing, and washing his or her hands before the first day of preschool.

Dealing With Shoes

Some children have trouble putting their shoes on, even when Velcro is used instead of laces. As a result, the child will need to wait until a preschool staff member can provide assistance, and this might be troubling to the child when he or she watches other children running outside to play. Work on getting your child independent when it comes to footwear. He or she should be able to assess which shoe goes on which foot, as well as do the shoes up snugly with the Velcro straps.

Eating Independently

It's ideal if your child is able to eat simple lunch food with a high degree of independence. Provided that you prepare the food correctly in the morning — for example, cutting the sandwich and fruit into bite-sized pieces — your child will be able to eat without making a mess or needing help from a staff member. Practice independent eating at home in advance of the start of preschool. Children might get in the habit of asking their parents to feed them, but if you begin to take a step back in this regard, your son or daughter will be able to learn to eat on his or her own.
